Can I print screenplays, call sheets, lists & reports?
You can print everything in Dramatify, just as from any web page! Sign up if you haven't already!Can I print screenplays, call sheets, lists & reports?
You can print everything in Dramatify, just as from any web page!
Print call sheets

It might seem strange that we put so much work into exactly what we want you to be able to avoid: printing and emailing a lot of paper and pdfs.
The reason is simple though; we don’t want any productions avoiding using Dramatify because a few people want to keep to the old ways. We say, let them! We just try to make it look great in the process!
Dramatify offers two different call sheet templates – click the links to view samples!
The Modern Call Sheet with a focus on information clarity and readability for all ages
The Compact Call Sheet with smaller font size and a focus on getting as much information into a page as possible.
Print drama screenplays

Automatic watermarking with the logo added to your production company account.
Below you see the tracking information each screenplay automatically is marked with.

Tracking information in the printed screenplay.
Read more about watermarking your screenplay and how to add a cover page.
Print lists & reports
Print date trouble shooting
The date format is not a Dramatify issue, but a setting in your own web browser linked to your language settings. There is especially a marked difference between American settings and the rest of the world in the order of month and day, that can lead to misunderstandings.
To fix the date issue, set the browser to your language and in some cases also region, i.e. English (US) and English (British).
Google Chrome: Google Chrome for Windows and Chromebook (correct language is automatically set with MacOS, Linux, iOS and Android)
Firefox: Make sure to download your language version of Firefox. Firefox normally adapts to your system language settings. If not, here is the Firefox support forum regarding languages.
Safari: Safari adapts to your system language settings. Here is how to change the system language.
Microsoft Edge: Edge adapts to your system language settings. Here is how to change the system language.
Microsoft Internet Explorer: IE is not supported by Dramatify.
(Top image by Pedro Ribeiro Simões / Flickr (CC BY) ).
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