Working with the daily production report
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DPR – working with the daily production report

Dramatify makes your daily production report almost automatic by aggregating information that you and your team already have added to Dramatify, and then adding a smart signing function. Here’s how you create production magic with us!

Where do I find the DPR, Daily Production Report?
The DPR (Daily Production Report) is found under Production in the sidebar menu, then DPR in the orange toolbar.

Note! You need to be an Admin to see, and have access, to the DPR menu item. Regular team members do not see nor have access to it.

Find DPR

Before you start

You’ll find the core DPR functionality on the DRP list page which is the first page you arrive at when you click on DPRs in the orange toolbar.


Select workday

In the dropdown, you select which workday you want to create a draft for and then click the blue button.

A few things to take note of:

  1. The usage of the term “workday”: You can create a DPR for both shooting days and any other kind of workday in the production as long as they are scheduled in the list of workdays on the Planning > Days page.
  2. You will ONLY see today’s date and past dates if you have scheduled workdays for them, and if drafts haven’t already been created or reports submitted.
  3. If you want to make full use of Dramatify’s automatic DPR features, do not create a DPR draft until all meals have been checked, and all cast & crew have been checked out. You can add this information manually from the time sheet cvs export too, but of course you save a lot of time letting Dramatify do the work for you!It’s smart to make a habit of checking the automatically added information in the DPR draft before editing and adding new information. If some automatic information like time sheets, releases etc. is not in place, you can either add them (see below), or in the case of time sheets, wait for cast & crew to be checked out.To update with the new information, you must delete the draft and then create it again. This way you force a data update but do not loose any information since you haven’t stated adding any manually. To learn how to delete a draft, look at the last section below.


Below the dropdown, you’ll find the signers of the DPR and the option to add anyone who should sign a DPR. Simply find their name in the dropdown “Add a member that will be able to approve reports” and click “Add member“.

On each individual DPR, you can then check who should approve that specific DPR. This means signers can vary between different days and locations, or be the same for the entire production. Your choice!

SECTION 1: Getting the information in the DPR header right
The information in the DPR header is almost automatic, and aggregated from other sources of information you already have added during pre-production. If you’ve added the correct information, the header should be ready-made!

DPR header

However, if something is wrong or missing, here is a quick guide to where the various information can be changed:

# Information to change, go to then
1 Title Production Click on the edit icon beside the title
2 Day started Production Click on Settings in the toolbar. Day started is the first day of the “In production” date.
3 Est. End Date Production Click on Settings in the toolbar. Est. end date is the last day of the “In production” date.
4 Day X of Y Planning X = this is the day number of the workday, Y = the total number of scheduled days.
5 Company name and contact information Production company (find your profile (Me) in the top, and click on the dropdown arrow.) Click on the Edit menu and select “edit”.
6 Principals People For each person who should appear as a principal in DPRs, call sheets and on the Production page, click on “edit” on their profile card, then check “Principal Member” under “Permissions & Visibility”.
7 Status – thumb up or down On the DPR you are drafting Just click on the edit icon in the upper right corner of the header section to set status.
8 Days estimated Production Click on Settings in the toolbar, and then on the edit icon in the upper right corner. NOTE! The number of days given is NOT the same as in #4. Read why below! It can also be manually corrected by clicking on the section edit icon.
9 Days passed On the DPR you are drafting Automatic from the number of production days passed, but can be manually edited by clicking on the section edit icon.
10 Ahead & Behind On the DPR you are drafting Just click on the edit icon in the upper right corner of the header section to modify.

The difference between “Day X of Y” and Days Estimated

The number at the top of the DPR, “Day X of Y” , is dynamic and reflects the work day number out of the number of scheduled production days that you can see on the overview at Planning > Days. It is the same as the call sheet numbering. This number is usually automatic and you don’t have to do anything with it, even though there are a manual override should you need it.

In the lower, right hand side of the header, you find Days Estimated. This is fixed. This is not an automatic number, but one set in Production > Settings. Why is it different from the scheduled production days, and not automatic? In the best of worlds, everyone is always on target. But we all know that delays happens. With a set number of shooting days, we can also add information if we’re behind or ahead.

SECTION 2: Adding Times
The Times section is easy. Dramatify adds the teams you are using and automatically grabs crew call times. Just click on the section edit icon to add correct times for

  • first shot
  • camera wrap
  • last man out

If crew calls were delayed, these can be edited manually as well.

DPR times

SECTION 3: Locations
Locations is a completely automatic section where we grab the locations from the call sheet. They are in turn automatic through the links between scenes, sets and locations.

Should you by any chance shoot a scene that is not listed in the call sheet, you can update the call sheet by adding the scene. That means it will also appear in the DPR.

DPR Locations

Locations is a completely automatic section where we grab the locations from the call sheet. They are in turn automatic through the links between scenes, sets and locations.

Should you by any chance shoot a scene that is not listed in the call sheet, you can update the call sheet by adding the scene. That means it will also appear in the DPR.

SECTION 4: Scenes & shot status
Scenes shot

The Scenes & Shot Status section is semi-automatic.

  1. Dramatify automatically imports the numbers from previously filed reports and add them under “Previous”. These you can’t change.
  2. Dramatify automatically adds today’s scheduled scenes that have been status checked in the call sheet in the “Today” row.
  3. You then manually add the number of setups, added scenes, any retaken scenes and retaken pages as well as notes for today and previous days. If you add a note on the row for previous day, it will show on the DPR you are working on, not be transfered to any other day. To manually enter information, just click the edit icon in the top right hand corner of the section.
  4. Dramatify automatically sums up the information and when the report is signed, adds the total to the “Previous” row of next day’s DPR.

Scenes shot

NOTE! If a filed DPR is rejected (learn more below), you can also manuallt edit Scenes today, Pages today och Estimated scene length which otherwise is automatic.

SECTION 5: Media usage
Media usage

The media usage section is mostly manual. Click on the edit icon in the upper right corner of the section to add the cards used, footage description, audio description etc. Dramatify will then sum up your information and add it to the previous days media usage information.

Media usage, edit

Still shooting on stock? If you’d like to get a DPR that works for traditional film stock, let us know!

SECTION 6: Equipment & Tech notes
The Equipment & Tech notes is a completely manual section. Click on the edit icon in the upper right corner of the section to add a note. If you do not add a note, it will be presented as you see it in the signed report with “No notes added“.

Tech notes

SECTION 7: Health & Safety incidents & notes
Health & Safety incidents & notes is a completely manual section. Click on the edit icon in the upper right corner of the section to add a note. If you do not add a note, it will be presented as you see it in the signed report with “No notes added“.

DPR: Health & Safety

SECTION 8: Crew & Cast Time Sheet

This is one of the big time savers with Dramatify’s DPR. All cast & crew time sheets are added automatically from the timesheet log. Also note that only cast have automatic travel time, scheduled in the daily cast schedule.

Overtime hours and overtime notes is something you need to add yourself. The reason is that different countries have different regulations regarding overtime.

To add overtime and the reason for it, click on the edit icon in the upper right corner of the section.

DPR: Crew and cast

SECTION 9: Talent release log
The talent release log is automatic. Dramatify lists all cast scheduled for the day with a link to their release. If a release is missing, it’s indicated. You can add notes, for instance why a release is missing.

 DPR: Talent releases

If you want to check that all cast have releases, here’s how:

1) All cast but atmosphere

Go to People and click on Report in the orange toolbar. You see check marks under the headline “Legal” next to each cast member if you have added a personal release and/or a contract. Move the cursor to see if it’s a personal release (check mark with blue background), or a contract (check mark with white background).

If a release is missing, find the cast member’s profile card on People > Cast members, click the menu icon in the lower right corner of the card and select Edit. At the bottom of the page, you’ll find the release and contract upload.

2) Atmosphere cast

Atmosphere cast do not have access to Dramatify and is handled by casting. However, they are managed as a group in Dramatify. Go to Cast & Characters and click on Atmosphere. Click on the atmosphere group your cast member is part of. Here you can add and find all atmosphere cast members, their names, contact details and releases.

DPR: Atmosphere

DPR: Atmosphere booked

SECTION 9: Location release log
The location release log is automatic. Dramatify lists all locations scheduled for the day with a link to their release. If a release is missing, it’s indicated. You can add notes, for instance why a release is missing.

Location Release Log

If you want to check that all location have releases, here’s how:

Go to Sets & Locations, and click on Locations at the top. Find the location you need in the list. Here you can find one of three things:

  • No indication of a release
  • Information about a release missing
  • A linked release

To add a release, click on the location name, and then on the edit icon in the upper right corner of the location info section.

Location release

SECTION 10: Payments log
DPR: Payment section

The payments log is a manual section. Here you can add any payments you want to report, and snap a photo, a scanned document or an e-invoice to attach as a receipt. You can also add a buyer, i.e. yourself or the team member who made the purchase.

DPR. Payment information

NOTE! If all your payments are in one currency, Dramatify will sum the total. If you add several currencies, these will be presented without a total sum.

SECTION 11: Notes
The notes section is for any additional notes you want to add to the DPR. Just click the edit icon in the upper right corner of the section, to add a note.

DPR: General notes

SECTION 12: Signing the report
In the Signers section you find all the names you added on the previous list page. To select the individuals who are going to sign off on this particular report, click the edit icon in the upper right corner.

DPR: Signers

Just select the individuals who are going to sign off on the current DPR and save.

DPR: Signers

Now click “Lock and send for approval”. The designated signers will now  both get a message in Dramatify and an email to their email address that they should sign.

Signing messages

  • If all is good, signers just click “Approve”
  • If something is amiss, signers click “Reject” and add a comment to explain what is wrong.
  • Signers can also change an approval and reject the DPR with a comment if necessary.

DPR: Signers not approved


DPR: Signing Approve

DPR: Rejected Message

The comments allows you to change information or add missing information. You then click “Re-send for approval” at the bottom of the page.

DPR: Rejected Change


DPR list status

On the DPR list page, you see the status of each DPR at a glance. Approved reports are locked and can not be changed. Executive producers and producers (with Admin permissions) can read them, and you can print them as PDFs to send to co-producers, investors, insurers and bond companies.

DPR Reports

SECTION 13: Deleting a draft - a way to update automatic information
At the bottom of the DPR page, you can delete the current DPR draft.

If you want to update automatic information, you can delete a draft and create it again. However, if you have added any information it will be deleted.

Top image by Garry Knight /Flickr (CC BY 2.0) People in the image is unreleted to Dramatify.

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Key features

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Shooting scheduling

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Crew Scheduling

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Cast scheduling

Smart integration with Daily Cast Schedule, DooD, stylists' scheduling & call sheets!

Daily Production Schedules

Ditch Excel and work smarter! Smart, integrated daily production schedules with powerful features. 

Semi-automatic call sheets

Integrated call sheets that writes themselves as details are added elsewhere. For print and mobile!

Catering lists - automagically!

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With images, maps & automatic weather reports and much more!

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A production tool for all your company's productions.

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How Dramatify minimise risk and saves your production time and money every day.

For Producers & Production Managers

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For creatives

Smart, integrated tools for the creative crew, from ADs to wardrobe designers, set designers and makeup artists.

For crew

Find tools and information according to your role and access level in the production.

For cast members

How to use Dramatify for cast members, including actors, anchors and hosts.



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Enjoy Dramatify's innovative rundown suite with a plethora of smart integrations.


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Quick Start Guide

Quickly get started with your production!

Add & manage team members

Add crew and cast members, set permissions & allow access.

Add episodes & work with series

The episode functionality is super useful - even for features!

Working with rundowns

How to create rundowns for multi-camera live & studio productions.

How to work with screenplays

How to import/synch with Final Draft/.fdx, write natively and work with updates.

Working with image-based AV scripts

How to make the most out of the AV scripts.

Working with script breakdown

How to breakdown your script regardless of script format.

Working with scene items

From props to vehicles - here is how to work with scene items!

How to schedule your production

Powerful scheduling integrated with call sheets and other features.

How to schedule crew

How to work with crew scheduling, integrated with call sheets, time sheets and DPR.

Working with cast scheduling

Smart integration with scene scheduling, Daily Cast Schedule, DooD, stylists' scheduling & call sheets and more!

Creating call sheets

Call sheets almost write themselves - for mobile and print!

Working with sets & scenography

Breakdown, link to locations, share images, 3D files, add props, scene items and continuity.

Adding & working with locations

With images, releases, maps & automatic weather reports and much more!

Working with cast, characters, wardrobe, makeup & hair

A walk-through of character lists & pages, scheduling, details, linking to cast and more.

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