Film Production Software
Next-Generation Film Production Software for Industry Professionals Sign up for free!Collaborate, Streamline, and Deliver: On Time, On Budget
In today’s fast-paced media landscape, producing drama series, feature films, and telenovelas demands more than creative storytelling. It requires seamless efficiency, real-time collaboration, and adaptability to handle complex productions. Cutting-edge film production software is transforming the way media projects are executed.
Dramatify: The Ultimate Film Production Software
Dramatify is built for film and drama production teams, offering an all-in-one platform that simplifies every stage of production, from script to shooting. Discover how this innovative software can be your go-to solution for delivering captivating content—on schedule and within budget.
Effortless Collaboration
Dramatify’s drama production software platform offers effortless collaboration & messaging among all team members, from directors and producers via the creative departments to the cast and the technical crew.
It allows every team member to access essential information in real-time, reducing the need for paper and supporting a greener approach to production.

Real-Time Cross-Production Updates
Dramatify’s film production software offers real-time tracking and updates via a central dashboard, keeping everyone informed and minimising costly errors and scheduling issues.
Streamline Your Production Budgeting
Dramatify’s film production software offers film production budgeting with precise budget control with easy modeling, multi-currency support, and detailed cost tracking—ensuring creativity stays within budget.

Comprehensive Production Planning Suite
Dramatify’s drama production software includes a powerful set of tools to streamline planning and coordination:
- Gantt-Style Production Planner: Get a complete, end-to-end view of your production with daily task updates integrated into the dashboard, ensuring everyone stays on track.
- Production Calendar: Keep track of shooting days, activities, and daily events in one central place for seamless scheduling.
- Shooting Scheduler: Easily manual or bulk-schedule shooting days with advanced filters and direct integration with cast bookings, locations, sets, call sheets, and running orders.
- Day Planner: Organise meetings and pre-production tasks, with visibility on both the dashboard and call sheet, and an option to display in the production calendar plus templates for daily column views and a calendar feed for your personal digital calendar.
Time-saving Cast & Crew Scheduling
Dramatify simplifies cast scheduling and crew scheduling, handling everything from call times to on-set needs like makeup and wardrobe. One click to update call sheets, time sheets, catering lists, and daily reports – ensuring seamless coordination and communication for a stress-free production!

Smart Script Management
Dramatify streamlines screenplay management with features like episode management, script import, synchronised stripboards, and automatic script sides. Scene texts are integrated into digital call sheets, allowing your team to go fully mobile—no printing required.

Multi-department Script Breakdown & Scene Items Mgt
Manage scenography, sets & locations
Dramatify streamlines set management with smart set lists, scene items, and scenography tools. Easily manage locations from shooting locations to facilities and unit bases with detailed pages and location alternatives featuring geodata, images, legal info, and automatic weather updates for seamless production days.

Character & Cast Coordination
Dramatify automates cast and character management, from Final Draft imports to daily schedules. Easily manage characters, wardrobe, makeup, background actors, and stunt personnel. Integrated tools for cast availability, booking, and reports ensure smooth, efficient coordination across your production.
Empower Your Team with Customisable Stripboards
Dramatify’s flexible, read-only stripboards – that include Story order and Running orders – give your team real-time access to vital production data. Team members with access can filter and format information for tailored work orders, reports, and shooting schedules. Easily share, print, or create physical strips for on-site use.

Efficient On-Set Management
Dramatify simplifies on-set operations with smart, semi-automatic call sheets, effortless time tracking with time sheets, and meal management. Digital call sheets update instantly with map links and script details, while one-click check-ins streamline time tracking. Tailored catering lists and automatic payroll exports ensure smooth daily operations, with all key data compiled in the Daily Production Report.
Automated Reporting for Optimized Production
Dramatify’s film production software automates reporting, delivering up-to-date, customizable reports like breakdowns and Daily Production Reports (DPR). Save hours each day with easy, streamlined access to vital production data.
Streamlined Resource Sharing
Dramatify’s film production software allows for easy access to information, documents, folders, files, and links for departments, teams, or individuals, ensuring seamless access to necessary resources.
By centralising all production information in one accessible location, our platform enhances communication and coordination, keeping everything organised and readily available. This ensures your entire team remains aligned and productive throughout the production process.

More integrated features for film & drama production!
Check out our other features that integrate with your production software.
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