The Production Dashboard
Stay updated at a glance! All the most important things directly when you login; call sheets, planning periods, messages, documents, updates and more!

The production dashboard

The dashboard on mobile

The production dashboard

The dashboard on mobile
Your production dashboard – stay updated at a glance!
Staying updated while in production is a challenge! Dramatify’s dashboard displays the most important information happening across all of your productions at a glance!
Your latest messages
Latest production updates
The latest documents shared with you
New team members
Any call sheets shooting today
At Dramatify, we work hard to keep you and all of your team members updated and in the loop. The dashboard – right there after you have logged in – keeps you on top of the latest updates across all of your productions. Your team members will also see their updates; everyone according to their role and permission level in each production.
At the dashboard you’ll find your latest:
- production updates
- messages
- documents shared with you, or which you have shared
- team members
- any call sheets of productions shooting today
- your active productions
Your team members will see information according to their access rights which you set when they are invited to the production.
Features on the Dashboard!
On the Dashboard, you’ll automatically find the latest updates from the features below, depending on your access level and role in each production.
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