Drama screenplays
– write, import & synch
In Dramatify, screenplays are the starting point for your production, integrating with breakdown, scheduling, characters, sets, locations, scene items and call sheets.

Screenplay view (with version colours)

Automatic script sides

Automatically watermarked & tagged when printed

Story shelf for storing "iced" scenes

Screenplay view (with version colours)

Automatic script sides

Automatically watermarked & tagged when printed

Story shelf for storing "iced" scenes
Drama screenplays with import & synch from Final Draft, automatic watermarking & script sides!
Write in Dramatify – alone or as a team. Or, import and synch from Final Draft .fdx files. Automatic watermarking and tracking as well as automatic script sides per shooting day. Seamless integration with the breakdown, scheduling and all the other features in Dramatify.
When the team have the screenplay in their favourite device, in its entirety, as script sides or integrated with the call sheet, you know you have saved a lot of trees as well as your own production resources!
Be honest with yourself; how many pages of screenplays have you printed and consumed in your career? Multiply that with the average team size and yearly productions, and we start talking about substantial amounts of trees and time dedicated to handling all that paper.
While there used to be no alternatives to paper, Dramatify allows you to distribute the screenplay to your team so they can read it on their computer, tablet or phone. No heavy paper stack to carry around on location! Of course, they can print it as well if they really need to (just remember all those trees!).
Screenplay upload & synch
The easiest way to work with screenplays in Dramatify is to upload a Final Draft-compatible file, a .fdx file. It integrates seamlessly with script breakdown, scene items, scheduling, characters, sets and call sheets. Apart from Final Draft, there is a whole host of other screenwriting programs that can export to the .fdx format such as Screenwriter 6.5 and over, Storyist, Scrivener, Fade In etc.
When you or your screenwriters have done script revisions, just import the new version and seamlessly synch with all the production information you already have in Dramatify. And, it works just as flawlessly with any number of episodes, even if you’re thinking of a 3 000 episode series!
Screenplay team writing & collaboration
While Dramatify isn’t positioned as a premier screenwriting software, it’s great for collaborative writing. Each scene is edited separately, like an index card, so you can quickly create an outline and then fill in the story. You and your collaborators can work on different scenes at the same time without risking that anything gets overwritten.
Dramatify offers comfortable inline writing and editing with all the standard industry formatting options such as Action, Character, Dialogue etc.
We are also one of the few screenwriting solutions that are handling all languages, including right-to-left languages like Arabic, Hebrew and Farsi.
No more worries about screenplay versions
With Dramatify, you can rest assured that the entire team have the same – and the latest – version of the screenplay in their pocket, tablet or computer. But just to be utterly sure, we have kept the traditional Final Draft versioning colours so you can see with a glance if a scene has been revised!
Multi-lingual screenplays
In addition to standard left-to-right languages, Dramatify also supports right-to-left languages like Arabic, Hebrew and Farsi, even with .fdx import.
Automatic screenplay watermarking and tracking
With Dramatify, you don’t have to pay extra for screenplay watermarking and tracking, nor distribution. It’s already built-in! PDFs are automatically watermarked and tagged with who printed them, and you can let users log in and read scripts if they should.
Automatic script sides
Automatic script sides are available after you have started scheduling. You can request script sides filtered on the shooting date and additionally per team. Cast and crew members can either be given read-only access to the script to be able to read scripts and script sides, or you can print a PDF or a copy to distribute as you have done before.
Story shelf
The story shelf is where you can send scenes that you for different reasons want to remove from the screenplay but may want to bring back. If you simply delete a scene, all associated information will be gone as well. If you move it to the story shelf, everything is restored when it’s brought back. You can also move it to a different episode without having to start breakdown, casting, wardrobe etc.
How to work with drama screenplays
Import and synch from the industry's most popular screenwriting programs
Inline writing and editing with standard industry formatting
Automatic watermarking and tracking
Automatic script sides
Scene scripts automatically integrated into call sheets
Save tons of paper and trees with mobile-friendly scripts
Screenwriting programs that imports and synch with Dramatify
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