Drama production

The online collaboration platform for producing features and series smarter!
Sign up for free!

Produce drama, features, series and telenovelas efficiently – collaborate online with modern, unique features. 

Dramatify’s online drama production software offers smart standard features like screenwriting, breakdown and scheduling but also mind-blowing new – nearly automatic – functionality like catering & food management, time sheets and daily production reports that save hours on set every day!  

With increasing competition and squeezed budgets, smart producers know that the old production methods are simply too slow and costly.

Dramatify gives you and your cast and crew drama production software online: A modern collaboration platform specifically developed to support the demands of modern drama production. 

Dramatify supports the production process from script via breakdown, planning and scheduling, to shooting and reporting.

Collaboration for crew & cast

Save time and money with Dramatify! Each team member can efficiently collaborate, communicate and get the information they need according to their role and the access level the production has given them.

Without an overworked production assistant in the middle and without printing lots of single-use, throwaway information on paper. Go green!

Learn more about collaboration & messaging »

Keep updated with the dashboard!

Just login to your productions on Dramatify, and you will immediately see your dashboard of new messages, documents, new team members and soon much more. Everything is available with a click. Perhaps most importantly; an automatic update log of the latest changes to episodes, screenplays, scenes, characters, sets and locations, with optional manual scheduling and breakdown updates.

Learn more about the dashboard »

Real-time, automatic production updates

Keep your team members on top of production changes with the Update section. You’ll get automatic updates of new, changed and deleted episodes, scripts, characters, sets and locations, including optional comments on details.

Learn more about updates »

Plan your drama, entertainment, sport, non-fiction or branded content production with Dramatify's production planner!

The Production Planner

Plan your production & assign responsibilities with the Gantt-style planner

  • Integrates automatically with production periods, episode production periods and broadcast dates.
  • Share with others, either just reading or edit access.
  • Compact mode (in the picture), advance mode (for quickly adding dates) and extensive filtering options
  • Today’s activities are automatically displayed in the dashboard for those with access – to keep your team on track!

Learn more about the production planner »

Screenplays – write, import & synch

Includes automatic watermarking AND automatic script sides!

  • Write screenplays from scratch or import your shooting script from Final Draft and any.fdx compatible program.
  • Synch .fdx rewrites while keeping all breakdown, scheduling, character, set and call sheet data in synch.
  • Print or pdf screenplays, complete with watermarking and tracking information.
  • Get automatic script sides for on-screen reading access, or printing to PDF or hard copy. Scene scripts are also automatically added to digital call sheets.

Learn more about screenplays »

Script breakdown & advanced scene item management

  • Fast and easy breakdown with smart, unique Dramatify features to save you time
  • Unlimited scene splits
  • Master list of all scene items with smart filters
  • Add departments, tags, images and options to scene items
  • Day out of day report for scene items
  • Breakdown report with smart filters and show/hide

Learn more about script breakdown »

Learn more about scene item management »

Multi-scenario scene scheduling for drama production

  • Unlimited number of scenarios. Import & switch on the fly if necessary.
  • Schedule for up to 5 teams and unlimited episodes simultaneously
  • Switch between calendar view, column view and strip board view with a click
  • Extensive filters for faster and easier scheduling
  • Character scheduling conflict warnings
  • Cast availability warnings
  • Unlimited scene splits
  • On the fly calculation of total pages, estimated finished material and working hours
  • Totally integrated with call sheets – only add information once

Learn more about scene scheduling »

Sets, locations and unit bases

  • Master set list & report. Sets are imported automatically from Final Draft imports.
  • Individual set pages with attached scene items for props, set dressing etc. including images and options
  • Location master list with shooting locations, unit bases and medical emergency locations
  • Location pages with geodata, image slideshow, imageboards with comments, release & owner information, greenlighting
  • Automatic weather reports in call sheets from location data

Learn more about set management »

Learn more about location management »

Cast & characters

  • Character & cast master list. Characters are imported automatically from Final Draft imports.
  • Character & cast report with dates and days, episodes, scenes, sets, locations & unit bases
  • Individual character pages will all info, including scene items for wardrobe, makeup & hair including images and options
  • Attach cast member, body doubles, stand-ins and stunt persons to a character
  • Smart handling of atmosphere cast
  • Cast availability, Visual Cast Availability Schedule and Day out of Day report for cast – all integrated with Scheduling
  • Daily Cast Scheduling – from transport to rehearsals integrated with Call sheets

Learn more about character management »

Story order and running order stripboards

  • Read-only stripboards for team members with access to get, filter and format their own information
  • Story order / Scene list with easy formatting of strips, extensive filters and sorting features that can be used for continuity
  • Easily find shooting status of all scenes
  • Running order / Shooting order stripboard with easy formatting of strips, extensive filters and sorting features that can be used for running order reports
  • Easily print handouts, pdfs or strips to tack on walls!

Learn more about Story Order and Running Order »

Continuity – snap, tag, add, share!

  • Continuity for characters and sets
  • Snap a photo, tag it with the scene, if it’s a “before” or “on-set” image, optionally a department and notes!
  • View and filter continuity images to quickly find what you are looking for! 
  • Team members with access can view and reference images!

Learn more about continuity »

Continuity for TV, film, drama, commercials, entertainment, factuals
Wardrobe, Makeup & Hair management for TV, film, drama, entertainment, commercials, documentary, factual productions

Wardrobe, Makeup & Hair management

  • Script breakdown with items and notes
  • Several reporting features for breakdown reports, wardrobe reports, makeup & hair reports, cast continuity reports, cast running orders etc. 
  • Wardrobe section per character with inspiration and test images,  cast measurements including retail sizes and allergy information that can be imported from previous productions, itemised wardrobe and prop breakdown per scene with images, options, tags etc, per scene wardrobe list.
  • Makeup & Hair section inspiration and clear face images, attribute section with eye and hair colour, skin tone and allergy information that can be imported from previous productions, looks & styles per scene or scenes with exact products per category from Face with skin, eyes, cheeks etc, to Nails, Hair, Facial Hair, Body and F/X. 
  • Daily cast scheduling with makeup, F/X makeup, hair and wardrobes

Learn more about Wardrobe and Makeup & Hair »

Cast & crew scheduling

  • Schedule crew members on set with a click
  • Daily cast scheduling with call times, transport, makeup, hair, wardrobe, rehearsals, dismissal and notes
  • Each scheduled cast and crew member is automatically added to:
    1. Call sheets (cast calls and crew list)
    2. Time sheets with easy check in/out of working hours
    3. Automatic catering lists
    4. Daily production report (DPR)

Learn more about daily cast scheduling »

Learn more about crew scheduling »

Call sheets – digital and printed

  • Offer both smart, digital call sheets and printed call sheets to your cast and crew
  • Call sheets are smart and semi-automatic – saving you tons of time. Also synced with all other data, reflecting changes in scheduling immediately!
  • Digital call sheets include smart map links and smart contact information as well as script sides in the scene information
  • Two different templates included for printed call sheets

Learn more about call sheets »

Time Sheets & Check In/Out of Work Hours

Time Sheets and working hours can be incredibly labour intensive to gather and process. In Dramatify it’s more or less automatic!

  • Check in cast and crew with a click
  • Export all time sheets as a.csv file to your payroll department.
  • Work hours are also automatically added to the Daily Production Report

Learn more about time sheets »

Smart food & meal management

  • Add how meal costs should be handled for the production as well as individually if necessary – free, deducted or taxed. Or turn off meal management altogether.
  • Automatically get compiled catering lists per day, including meal preferences and allergies. Add any extra plates or snacks!
  • Check off plates and break times during meal breaks
  • Export a compiled.csv file to payroll at the end of the day.
  • Plate count information is also automatically added to the Daily Production Report.

Bon Appétit!

Learn more about food management »

Automagic Daily Production Reports, DPR

Dramatify cuts hours from each shooting day. Never miss a report deadline again!

  • our automagic DPRs collects the shooting information you and your team have added during scheduling
  • adds the day’s fresh information
  • presents you with a draft where you manually finishes off the last details. In minutes.
  • smart, digital signing process

Learn more about DPRs, Daily Production Reports »

Reports & handouts, documents & files

  • Dramatify has a plethora of lists and reports that can be customised by a few clicks. Each team member can get exactly the information they are looking for
  • All information comes from one source and is always up to date
  • Upload and share any documents and files with your crew and cast without requiring any other logins or accounts
  • Create and share link collections with your crew, from dailies to graphic files or music.

Learn more about reports »

Learn more about sharing documents & files »

I strongly believe that Dramatify is a breakthrough service
and will become a standard.”

Sergio Uguet de Resayre, Executive Producer (Finland / Spain)

Questions? Demo request? Enterprise inquiry? Contact us!

Try Dramatify today!

30 day free trial. No credit card required.


Film & Drama

From screenplay import to semi-automatic call sheets and DPRs!


Explore our innovative rundown suite with smart integrations.


Game on! Cover sports in the field with a premier mobile solution!

Talk Shows & Current Affairs

Easily collaborate from wherever your cast and crew are!

Factuals & Documentaries

3 different script formats, made for remote co-productions!

Children's programmes & Kid's shows

Produce any kind of kid's content with specific features for children on set!

Social media, commercials & corporate video

Image-based scripts to easily express your vision!

Key features

Production dashboard

Everything at a glance across productions!


Smart, integrated easy-to-use budgeting for any kind of production!

Automatic production updates

Automatic updates when critical details change, with the option of manual comments!

Cast & Crew Management

From interactive team lists to integrations with scheduling!

Rundowns for multi-camera

Integrated with cue cards, CuePilot, teleprompters and all our features!

Drama screenplays

Import/synch with Final Draft/.fdx, automatic script sides and automatic watermarking!

Image-based AV scripts

The perfect format for commercials, social media and storyboards!

Story shelf

Plan, store & bounce scenes - super useful from drama to big sports events!

Script breakdown

Smart script breakdown, including optional partial access for creative departments.

Shooting scheduling

Powerful scheduling integrated with cast DooD and all other scheduling features.

Crew Scheduling

Easy to use crew scheduling integrated with call sheets.

Cast scheduling

Smart integration with Daily Cast Schedule, DooD, stylists' scheduling & call sheets!

Daily Production Schedules

Ditch Excel and work smarter! Smart, integrated daily production schedules with powerful features. 

Semi-automatic call sheets

Integrated call sheets that writes themselves as details are added elsewhere. For print and mobile!

Catering lists - automagically!

Automatic catering lists per shooting day - including special diets & allergies!

Set design & Scenography

From auto set lists, images and breakdown to 3D files and set details!


With images, maps & automatic weather reports and much more!

Character management

Auto-lists with automatic statistics, booking sheets, stripboards and more!


Inspo images, measurements, breakdown, wardrobe lists and more!

Makeup & Hair

Integrated makeup & hair functionality with looks, cleanface, makeup charts and more!



A production tool for all your company's productions.

Saving time & money

How Dramatify minimise risk and saves your production time and money every day.

For Producers & Production Managers

Plan and track productions, the content, cast & crew.

For creatives

Smart, integrated tools for the creative crew, from ADs to wardrobe designers, set designers and makeup artists.

For crew

Find tools and information according to your role and access level in the production.

For cast members

How to use Dramatify for cast members, including actors, anchors and hosts.



From screenplay import to semi-automatic call sheets - Dramatify helps you run a tight production.


Enjoy Dramatify's innovative rundown suite with a plethora of smart integrations.


Integrated features for both large event planning, and scripted and semi-scripted shows.

Talk Shows & Current Affairs

Plan, write and produce talk shows & current affairs shows.

Factuals & Documentaries

With 3 different script formats, start with the one fitting your project's particular needs.

Social media, commercials & corporate video

Use the same tools as the industry professionals for your productions.

Broadcasting & live streaming

Productions powered by Dramatify reaches millions of viewers a week. Join our growing list of broadcasters!

Graphic audio

From script breakdown to recording scheduling and cast and crew booking, we handle enhanced audio productions.


Free plan

3 active users for basic drama & documentary pre-production.

Bronze plan

Starter plan for small productions & production companies

Silver plan

for up to 25 active users + unlimited productions, cast & crew.

Gold plan

MOST POPULAR with up to 50 active users + unlimited productions, cast & crew.

Platinum plan

for companies & broadcasters with up to 100 active users + unlimited productions, cast & crew.


Contact us for a custom deal that suits your needs!


Free plans for professional industry schools & educations!


Quick Start Guide

Quickly get started with your production!

Add & manage team members

Add crew and cast members, set permissions & allow access.

Add episodes & work with series

The episode functionality is super useful - even for features!

Working with rundowns

How to create rundowns for multi-camera live & studio productions.

How to work with screenplays

How to import/synch with Final Draft/.fdx, write natively and work with updates.

Working with image-based AV scripts

How to make the most out of the AV scripts.

Working with script breakdown

How to breakdown your script regardless of script format.

Working with scene items

From props to vehicles - here is how to work with scene items!

How to schedule your production

Powerful scheduling integrated with call sheets and other features.

How to schedule crew

How to work with crew scheduling, integrated with call sheets, time sheets and DPR.

Working with cast scheduling

Smart integration with scene scheduling, Daily Cast Schedule, DooD, stylists' scheduling & call sheets and more!

Creating call sheets

Call sheets almost write themselves - for mobile and print!

Working with sets & scenography

Breakdown, link to locations, share images, 3D files, add props, scene items and continuity.

Adding & working with locations

With images, releases, maps & automatic weather reports and much more!

Working with cast, characters, wardrobe, makeup & hair

A walk-through of character lists & pages, scheduling, details, linking to cast and more.

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