Privacy notice


At Dramatify, we take your privacy very seriously. You can at any time remove your personal information from our records. 

When may we have personal information about you?

  1. When you have signed up for a Dramatify account.
  2. When you have been invited to take part in a production that uses Dramatify as a production platform.
  3. If we both are visiting, or have visited, the same industry markets and fairs, we at Dramatify may reach out to you in a professional capacity.
  4. If you have reached out to us.

Our core privacy policy

You are in control of your personal information. You can at anytime delete your information. The information collected about you is used in one or more ways:

The Dramatify application

  • to administer the production(s) you are a member of
  • to allow members of the production(s) to contact you
  • for you to share your professional details with these production(s) and their members
  • to contact you regarding your Dramatify account

Dramatify reach out, marketing & sales

  • to reply if you have reached out to us
  • to reach out to you in a professional capacity
  • to keep you, as a professional, abreast of new features in Dramatify through newsletters

If you have any questions about your personal information, please contact us. Dramatify’s Data Protection Officer, is CEO Annika Lidne.

Data processor and data controller

The goal of the European GDPR legislation is to make sure that every private citizen is in full control of their personal data. It’s important to stress that neither Dramatify nor a production company owns your personal data. You do.

Key concepts

The European GDPR legislation uses three key concepts:

  • The Data controller is the organisation or person who decides how, why and what data is going to be used by an organisation and controls the procedures and purposes of data usage. Since Dramatify is a platform with production tools, the data controller is in most instances the production company. When we at Dramatify reach out to you with a newsletter, a meeting invite at an industry market or because of your existing Dramatify account, Dramatify is the data controller.
  • The Data processor is a person or an organisation who handles personal data as instructed by a data controller for specific purposes and services. With in the Dramatify context, Dramatify is in all cases the data processor.
  • The Personal data is any information relating to an identified or identifiable person. It can be a name, an identification number, location number, an online identifier or to one or more factors specific to the physical, physiological, genetic, mental, economic, cultural or social identity of that person. Included is also information like IP addresses and mobile device IDs, and personal information that has been encrypted.

Personal information in the Dramatify app

You will have a Dramatify account if:

  • You have signed up to Dramatify
  • You have been invited by a production company to take part and work on a production that uses Dramatify
  • You have accepted a production company invite to Dramatify and logged in

Personal profile information

At the minimum, we have your email address. In most cases, we also have records of your name, country and mobile phone number. On your profile edit page, we display the majority of the information we have about you which may include home address, representation, profile image, food preference, age status (adult/minor), nationality and gender. This information was either added by you or a production company you are or have been working for.

You are in charge of your personal information and have complete access to read, edit and delete this information. It is clearly marked which information all of your team members can see, and that which only a production administrator can see, as well what information only you can see and that which might only be used for production statistics. At each instance of information, we explain why it is needed.

Delete your personal account

You can at any time delete your Dramatify account. However, be aware that if you do this during an active production, that you may not get work information, any messages or notices, any credits in the final credit list, nor be paid or compensated correctly. If you want to remove your personal information during an active production, we suggest that you first talk to your employer.

Search results

Normally, production companies can search for users in Dramatify to add them to their production. They can search by name or email address. The only information they can see before adding you to their production and you accept the invitation, is your name, profile picture and country. You can exempt yourself from being searchable, by checking that alternative on your profile edit page.

Production information

The production companies that you work for also records information about you when you become part of a production.

The production information may include:

  • your professional role in the production
  • any legal releases and/or contracts if the production chooses to upload them
  • any production messages and comments
  • any production notes that are public within the production team
  • which days you are available or scheduled to work
  • which days you are absent and the reason for that (illness, working on another project, holiday etc)
  • when and where you are going to be, if you are a part of a prep or shooting team
  • your recorded working hours if you are working on location
  • your food preferences and food allergies if you have added those to your profile

You can not add, edit or delete production information yourself. If you delete your Dramatify profile, the production company records will show the text “Profile deleted by user” but retain some of the linked production information shown above.

The right to be forgotten

Under the GDPR legislation, you have a “right to be forgotten”. However, as your employer, the production company may be legally required to keep some records due to employment and tax legislation. Please contact the production company, who is the data controller, to see if all of your personal information can be deleted.

What personal data might an employer have?

You have the right to learn what personal data an employer, the production company, holds on you. This is called a “subject access request”, or SAR. This may include personnel files, internal memorandums, meeting notes or email correspondence. As above, please contact the production company, who is the data controller, for a SAR request.

The responsibility of the production company

As Data Controller

When you sign up to use Dramatify as a production platform and your company is within the EU or engage cast and crew who are citizens within the European Union, your organisation becomes the data controller.

The data controller determines the purposes and means of the processing of the teams’ personal data. The same applies if you use a competing service, spreadsheets or desktop programs to manage your production or even write everything on your own computer or by hand on paper.

By using Dramatify however, each team member MUST agree to allow your organisation to handle their personal data when they accept your production invitation and that agreement is on record through the timestamp when they accepted your production invitation and logged into Dramatify. If you do not use Dramatify, you manually must secure that agreement in another way.

By using Dramatify, you have implicitly instructed us to handle the personal data belonging to your team for the purpose of producing your production(s). Dramatify is therefore the data processor.

Data Protection Officer

If you represent a larger production company, broadcaster or produce a production with a large crew and cast, the GDPR legislation may require that the company appoints a Data Protection Officer. If your company have one, you can add his or her name in the Production company settings section. The information will be displayed to the team on each production’s Production page. The Data Protection Officer do not need to be a part of the production on Dramatify.

Anonymous information – cookies

When you visit or use the Dramatify app, we may collect some anonymous information about you. It’s in part for the Dramatify functionality to work, in part to help make Dramatify better and in part for statistics.  Read more in our cookie policy.

Third parties

Dramatify do not sell, give away or in other ways transfer your personal data to a third party. 


Marketing & Sales outreach


If we have reached out to you as an industry professional with a news update and you do not want to receive them anymore, just click “Unsubscribe” at the bottom of the email and you will automatically be removed from any future emails.

Professional meeting requests & emails

From time to time, we may reach out before an industry fair or market. This is done personally and manually. If you reply that you do not want any contact in the future from us, we will make a note to never bother you again and keep your contact information to make sure that doesn’t happen again. If you want us to remove your email address from our records completely, please contact us. That may cause us to contact you again at another market or fair since we then will not have any record of your preferences.


If you have any questions regarding your personal data in Dramatify, please contact us!


Latest updated on 19th December 2022



Film & Drama

From screenplay import to semi-automatic call sheets and DPRs!


Enjoy our innovative rundown suite with tons of smart integrations.


Game on! Cover sports in the field with a premier mobile solution!

Talk Shows & Current Affairs

Easily collaborate from wherever your cast and crew are!

Factuals & Documentaries

3 different script formats, made for remote co-productions!

Children's programmes & Kid's shows

Produce any kind of kid's content with specific features for children on set!

Social media, commercials & corporate video

Image-based scripts to easily express your vision!

Key features

Production dashboard

Everything at a glance across productions!


Smart, integrated easy-to-use budgeting for any kind of production!

Automatic production updates

Automatic updates when critical details change, with the option of manual comments!

Cast & Crew Management

From interactive team lists to integrations with scheduling!

Rundowns for multi-camera

Integrated with cue cards, CuePilot, teleprompters and all our features!

Drama screenplays

Import/synch with Final Draft/.fdx, automatic script sides and automatic watermarking!

Image-based AV scripts

The perfect format for commercials, social media and storyboards!

Story shelf

Plan, store & bounce scenes - super useful from drama to big sports events!

Script breakdown

Smart script breakdown, including optional partial access for creative departments.

Shooting scheduling

Powerful scheduling integrated with cast DooD and all other scheduling features.

Crew Scheduling

Easy to use crew scheduling integrated with call sheets.

Cast scheduling

Smart integration with Daily Cast Schedule, DooD, stylists' scheduling & call sheets!

Daily Production Schedules

Ditch Excel and work smarter! Smart, integrated daily production schedules with powerful features. 

Semi-automatic call sheets

Integrated call sheets that writes themselves as details are added elsewhere. For print and mobile!

Catering lists - automagically!

Automatic catering lists per shooting day - including special diets & allergies!

Set design & Scenography

From auto set lists, images and breakdown to 3D files and set details!


With images, maps & automatic weather reports and much more!

Character management

Auto-lists with automatic statistics, booking sheets, stripboards and more!


Inspo images, measurements, breakdown, wardrobe lists and more!

Makeup & Hair

Integrated makeup & hair functionality with looks, cleanface, makeup charts and more!



A production tool for all your company's productions.

Saving time & money

How Dramatify minimise risk and saves your production time and money every day.

For Producers & Production Managers

Plan and track productions, the content, cast & crew.

For creatives

Smart, integrated tools for the creative crew, from ADs to wardrobe designers, set designers and makeup artists.

For crew

Find tools and information according to your role and access level in the production.

For cast members

How to use Dramatify for cast members, including actors, anchors and hosts.



From screenplay import to semi-automatic call sheets - Dramatify helps you run a tight production.


Enjoy Dramatify's innovative rundown suite with a plethora of smart integrations.


Integrated features for both large event planning, and scripted and semi-scripted shows.

Talk Shows & Current Affairs

Plan, write and produce talk shows & current affairs shows.

Factuals & Documentaries

With 3 different script formats, start with the one fitting your project's particular needs.

Social media, commercials & corporate video

Use the same tools as the industry professionals for your productions.

Broadcasting & live streaming

Productions powered by Dramatify reaches millions of viewers a week. Join our growing list of broadcasters!

Graphic audio

From script breakdown to recording scheduling and cast and crew booking, we handle enhanced audio productions.


Free plan

3 active users for basic drama & documentary pre-production.

Bronze plan

Starter plan for small productions & production companies

Silver plan

for up to 25 active users + unlimited productions, cast & crew.

Gold plan

MOST POPULAR with up to 50 active users + unlimited productions, cast & crew.

Platinum plan

for companies & broadcasters with up to 100 active users + unlimited productions, cast & crew.


Contact us for a custom deal that suits your needs!


Free plans for professional industry schools & educations!


Quick Start Guide

Quickly get started with your production!

Add & manage team members

Add crew and cast members, set permissions & allow access.

Add episodes & work with series

The episode functionality is super useful - even for features!

Working with rundowns

How to create rundowns for multi-camera live & studio productions.

How to work with screenplays

How to import/synch with Final Draft/.fdx, write natively and work with updates.

Working with image-based AV scripts

How to make the most out of the AV scripts.

Working with script breakdown

How to breakdown your script regardless of script format.

Working with scene items

From props to vehicles - here is how to work with scene items!

How to schedule your production

Powerful scheduling integrated with call sheets and other features.

How to schedule crew

How to work with crew scheduling, integrated with call sheets, time sheets and DPR.

Working with cast scheduling

Smart integration with scene scheduling, Daily Cast Schedule, DooD, stylists' scheduling & call sheets and more!

Creating call sheets

Call sheets almost write themselves - for mobile and print!

Working with sets & scenography

Breakdown, link to locations, share images, 3D files, add props, scene items and continuity.

Adding & working with locations

With images, releases, maps & automatic weather reports and much more!

Working with cast, characters, wardrobe, makeup & hair

A walk-through of character lists & pages, scheduling, details, linking to cast and more.

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