Series & Unlimited Episodes
Episodes are a very useful tool in Dramatify. Naturally for series and ongoing shows, but they can also be used to produce trailers and promos for a feature film, or to organise videos and commercials for a client or project.

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Produce series and episodes efficiently!
Series with unlimited episodes for TV-drama, telenovelas, entertainment or multiple part commercial campaigns. Or use creatively for trailers and promos for a feature. It’s easy to manage and produce with Dramatify.
Most productions for TV, advertising and online are done today as series. Dramatify handles an unlimited number of episodes, from a mini-series to daily talkshows and telenovelas with thousands of episodes.
All functionality adapted to multi-episode production
All functionality in Dramatify is adapted to working with both with single episode productions as well as multi-episode productions. We give you a great overview and efficiency in working with both small and large productions. Our functionality is also built to work with seasons for ongoing productions.
Mix script formats in a series
You can produce a series with only drama screenplays or only AV scripts, but you can also mix script formats. For instance you can use the series functionality for a feature film production, with the feature as one episode, trailer and promos as others, behind-the-scenes documentaries and even storyboard either the entire film or certain sequences for creative clarity or insurance reasons.
Produce in blocks
You can assign which team to work with which episodes. This means both efficient production in blocks for drama series, but also that you can assign different teams for different types of content as described above. Naturally you can also divide teams according to location or production times. Every team also have their own call sheet!
Learn more: » How to work with series & episodes
Unlimited number of episodes
Add specific teams to episodes
Produce in blocks
Mix script formats
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