The Breakdown has been updated with a lot of requested features, including improved integration with imported drama screenplays. Creative teams can now also get access to the Breakdown for their particular tasks but are unable to add, edit or change any other breakdown information.
Breakdown on script, episode, set or character.
The Breakdown front page has now more options in how you want to breakdown your script; per script/episode, per set and/or per character as well as the latest updated scenes.
What this means is that you can combine filters and for instance, see all scenes with a specific character in a particular episode. The selected scenes are displayed underneath the filter row.
Scene changes are flagged when synching a Final Draft rewrite. If you import a rewritten .fdx screenplay, Dramatify tries to identify changed scenes and mark them with an orange icon
Creative teams’ access to the Breakdown.
While the Breakdown traditionally is the domain of the AD and the line producer, the new version adds limited access for the creative teams.
Art & Graphics, Hair & Makeup, Props, Set design & construction and Wardrobe can now add scene items within their departments to scenes as well as add scene notes shown in the Breakdown report. Users with access to Characters & Atmosphere cast can add notes to these categories.
Other improvements
- Locations can now be added to sets regardless if they are existing or new. It makes it easy to create a list for the location scouts directly from the Breakdown.
- Users with full access can add Update notes that appear in the Update section to inform the team of any changes of importance.
- The extended Copy Scene functionality allows you to choose which scene item categories to include when you copy a scene
- Scene Items have been broken out to its own menu item in the sidebar. It shares permissions with full access to the Breakdown.
Permissions to the Breakdown section is set on each team member’s profile card in the People section. You can set permissions to the entire breakdown or parts of it as the production requires.