One login for all your productions
One login and smart permissions for both admins and cast & crew Try it today!Login once – for all productions and employers
One login, that’s all you have to remember when joining Dramatify. Regardless of how many productions you are engaged in for any number of employers. It’s that simple.
With the one login, we can present all your current productions. Through the Today page, you see all current productions you are engaged in and the production status of them. You might have very different roles and access permissions in various productions, but we handle all that for you!
Safe and secure
On Dramatify, you can be engaged as a screenwriter in one production, an actor in another, and produce and administer your own production added to that. Our solid security solution assures that information stay safe, even if you work on multiple productions at the same time.
In your own productions, you are in charge of inviting team members and deciding their roles and access levels. The default mode, when you don’t set any specific permissions at all, team members only see limited information and can not change anything, only read.
Always free for team members
Dramatify doesn’t cost anything to use for team members invited to join a production. Instead, the production pay a monthly fee to be hosted at Dramatify.
One login for all your productions
Easy overview of all active productions on the Today page.
Invite team members to the roles and permissions you decide
Always free for team members
The full admin menu to the right.
The default menu to the right, for team members without any set permissions. These members can only read, not change any information.
Top image by vil.sandi /Flickr (CC BY ND).
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