Press Archive
Press releases
- 2020-05-12 INDUSTRY PRESS: Dramatify launches QR code distribution of rundowns [ENGLISH]
- 2020-05-12 BRANCHEN-PRESSE: Dramatify führt Verteilung von Ablaufplänen per QR-Code ein [GERMAN]
- 2020-05-12 PRESSE INDUSTRIELLE: Dramatify lance la distribution de codes QR des récapitulatifs [FRENCH]
- 2020-05-12 PRENSA INDUSTRIAL: Dramatify anuncia la distribución de guiones por código QR [SPANISH]
- 2020-03-27 INDUSTRY PRESS: Producing during the Coronavirus outbreak [ENGLISH]>
- 2020-03-27 BRANCHEN-PRESSE: Produzieren während des Coronavirus-Ausbruchs [GERMAN]
- 2020-03-27 PRESSE INDUSTRIELLE: Produire pendant l’épidémie de coronavirus [FRENCH]
- 2020-03-27 PRENSA INDUSTRIAL: La producción durante el brote de Coronavirus [SPANISH]
- 2020-01-15 INDUSTRY PRESS: Integrated Cue Cards [ENGLISH]
- 2020-01-15 BRANCHEN-PRESSE: Integrierte Cue Cards [GERMAN]
- 2020-01-15 PRESSE INDUSTRIELLE: Aide-mémoires intégrés [FRENCH]
- 2020-01-15 PRENSA INDUSTRIAL: Tarjetas de apuntes integradas [SPANISH]
- 2019-06-11 INDUSTRY PRESS: Visual Cast Scheduling – The latest addition to Dramatify’s integrated cloud production platform
- 2019-06-11 INDUSTRY PRESS: YLE integrates Dramatify to increase creativity and efficiency in entertainment productions and live galas
- 2018-11-27 INDUSTRY PRESS / US:YLE integrates Dramatify and CuePilot for workflow for live classical concert program, ‘Classical Trancelations’
- 2017-02-23 BUSINESS PRESS // SWEDISH: Dramatify lanserar världens första smarta, integrerade manusverktyg för live- och studioinspelningar
- 2017-02-22 INDUSTRY PRESS // ENGLISH: World’s first smart script tool for multi-camera live & studio shows
- 2017-02-22 INDUSTRY PRESS // SPANISH: Primera herramienta de guión inteligente del mundo para programas multicámara en vivo y de estudio
- 2017-02-22 INDUSTRY PRESS // FRENCH: Le premier outil de scripts intelligents au monde pour les émissions en direct ou enregistrées à plusieurs caméras
- 2017-02-22 INDUSTRY PRESS // GERMAN: Das weltweit erste intelligente skriptwerkzeug für mehrkamera-live-und-studiosendungen
- 2017-02-22 INDUSTRY PRESS // PORTUGUESE: A primeira ferramenta de smart script do mundo para programas ao vivo de estúdio multicâmeras
- 2016-02-10 INDUSTRY PRESS//ENGLISH: Dramatify launching at EFM16/Berlinale
- 2016-02-10 TECH/STARTUP PRESS // ENGLISH: Dramatify brings TV & film production management into the 21st century
- 2016-02-10 TECH/STARTUP PRESS // SVENSKA: Dramatify tar produktionshantering för TV, film och VR in i mobilåldern
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;ulti-camera script & rundown
Dramatify’s multi-camera live/studio script & rundown tool in dark mode. Image by Björn Falkevik
;ulti-camera script & rundown
Dramatify’s multi-camera live/studio script & rundown tool in dark mode. Image by Björn Falkevik
Multi-camera script & rundown
Dramatify’s multi-camera live/studio script & rundown tool in dark mode. Image by Björn Falkevik