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EFM Berlinale 2024: Drama Production Redefined
Drama Production Redefined: Book Your EFM Berlinale 2024 Meeting with Dramatify Explore the next step in drama production efficiency by meeting with Dramatify's CEO at EFM, The European Film Market, 2024. Gain insights into practical, cutting-edge workflows that can...
Dramatify Introduces “Blocks” for Rundowns
Streamlining Sports and Entertainment Rundowns with Content Blocks Dramatify's latest update, the introduction of Block functionality in Rundowns, brings a practical and efficient solution to sports and entertainment broadcast production challenges. Blocks are a new...
Dramatify Approved by Amazon Studios
Approved by Amazon Studios – A Testament to Our Unwavering Commitment to Cybersecurity We are thrilled to share a milestone achievement - Amazon Studios has officially approved our platform for use by production companies producing for them. This significant...
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